Saturday, November 8, 2008

#7 Final Reflection

Happy & us

On Friday, my group had our oral presentation.

To sum it up, I feel that an oral presentation tests our ability to connect with the audience in the 7 minutes each. 7 minutes is a short period of time, yet many things can happen while you are in a presentation! Stammering, forgetting your lines, saying “erm” a thousand times are just some common problems. Hence, it will be ideal to review our presentation video after it is uploaded. By looking at ourselves on screen, we are able to spot the areas where we can improve on. All the best, to the presenting groups on Tuesday.

Reviewing post #1, I talked about how effective communication skills allow improved understanding among family members, and how it will help me in my career as a teacher. First of all, there is a difference between an oral presentation that aims to persuade (like the one done in class), and presentation as in teaching. In teaching we present information, while in a persuasive presentation we aim to convince with information. The approach is different. Otherwise, common aspects such as not boring the audience, and students, are applicable in both settings.

Definitely, my understanding of effective communication has changed since then. I find myself benefitting very much from Written Skills that were picked up in the module. For example, the writing of the job application letter and resume to a potential employer. For those of us who are nearing graduation and may not have a clear idea as to what to do after that, it gave us the opportunity to really sit down and think about it. It also gave us the driving force to perform job research online, so that we know what kinds of jobs we are eligible for, and what suits the skills we have. If time permits, future ES2007S could even include the attending of a career seminar in NUS.

Also, the meeting skills that were learnt helped us to conduct more productive meetings. Meetings with my groups were focused on getting things done and aimed at gaining progress, and we seldom find ourselves side-tracking to talk about non-related things. This allowed us to utilize the limited time that we have. As I remember, meetings back in secondary school days often evolved into games and fun.

And lastly, blogging.

Usually, my inertia in getting a blog post done is quite huge. *shhh*

But being homework as it is, it forces me to sit down, reflect, and make connections between what I have learnt and daily life.

I was thinking about the becoming of all our blogs after ES2007S. Stagnant, abandoned, obsolete? But it would be comforting to remember, that we had once come together to share our reflections, views and given our opinions and feedback to each other within our small blog community. Even as our blogs wither away :( , I hope we continue to carry with us the lessons we have learnt.


jiawei said...


I'm a rather camera shy person so ill say im lucky the camera didn't work for us during the presentation. =D But its true, reviewing yourself on the screen would indeed help us improve on some areas, posture and such.

Its true and funny at the same time, after the end of this module, the blog would probably experience a period of loneliness. I've noticed how comments only goes to the graded posted. haha. Anything else you post up to share on your blog usually doesn't get much attention. NUS students are quite practical isn't it? ^^

GuangYi said...

Dear Steph

I thought you gave a very resounding conclusion to this entry. After this module, I guess everyone will go back to their usual means of communication that they are more familiar with, be it chatting on the phone, on msn, on facebook, or back to their individual “ungraded” blogs. I feel what is most important is that we all walked away with a bag of practical skills that we can fall back on when we enter the workforce.

Just a slight digression here, I have to disagree slightly with Alvin about the part that comments are only given to the posts that are graded. For instance, I just commented on Timothy's entry that he posted regarding the album that he is releasing with his a capella group. I feel the least I could do was to lend him some moral support there. Personally, if the blog post appeals to me, I will definitely leave some comments. :)

Lastly, don't be too critical about yourself for the oral presentation. I thought you did an excellent job in introducing your teams' research topic. Sometimes, “erms” are unavoidable and as long as they do not become a habit or excessive, I think it is fine.

I wish you all the best in your teaching career ahead of you. I am sure you will go far moulding the future generations of Singapore.

Jean Tan said...

The presentation videos will be uploaded!!! I think it will be funny and interesting viewing our presentation videos. But of course, we can indeed learn from it as we can spot our mistakes. By the way, I was impressed in your group presentation. You and your group mates actually memorized the speeches, and had showed confidence.

I agreed with you that writing of resume and application letter are essential skill we need to acquire, especially those going to graduate soon. By writing well, it will increase the chance of getting into the interview. ES2007S also taught us what to expect for an interview and what to prepare beforehand. If we can present well in the interview, it will increase the chance of getting the job. I believe after attending ES2007S, both you and me, and the rest are able to do that.

All the best. : )

Jing Yi said...

Hey Stephany,

I have to agree with you that after the "Final Reflection", most of our blogs for ES2007S will just wither away. However, that is the practicality of most NUS students. Most of us do not do things that will not merit us.

Well, everyone has their flaws and a moment of weakness. I was really tense while doing my presentations too. But it is all over, no point crying over spilled milk.

All the best for your future endeavours.

xinyu said...

hey stephany,

Similarly like you, I have learnt valuable lessons through this module. Particularly, I found the skills I learnt on how to conduct meetings important. Before the meetings in this module, I had not have a meeting using an agenda. Meetings hence tend to get unfocused and distracted easily. With an agenda, meetings can be held efficiently and are focused.

As I agree with you that our ES blogs will eventually waste away, I have to say that the lessons we learnt from the module will accompany us for life.

Alicia said...

Hi Stephany,

After having read your suggestions to ES2007S’s curriculum, it sets me thinking if there are other aspects that we could recommend for the department’s consideration. I was wondering maybe the first lesson for ES2007S could start off with a dining etiquette lesson where students are corrected on the spot the blunders they make while dining. This could pose as an ice breaker, allowing ES2007Sians to interact. In addition, the first lesson on effective communication could be taught there as well and students could seize this opportunity to put the newly acquired skills into practice.

As for need to submit and comment blogpost, I am guilty of dreading every bit of it. However, I have to admit this initiative has posed as a driving force that encourages me to formulate ideas accurately into words. I am certain that this has also made me a more fluent writer.

Sze Min said...

Hi Stephany,

Your last paragraph seems to stir up some emotions in me. Haha. Yes I agree that this blog might just be sitting around collecting dust after today. However, I also had this wonderful feeling after re-reading all my post all over again. It really reflects the things I have learnt throughout the whole 12 weeks. I guess when we do open up the blog to take a look in the future, wonderful memories of ES2007S will start to pour in once again.

The road towards grasping effective communication is a never-ending road. I really do hope that we will continue to learn the skills of effective communication after this course has ended!

All the best for your exams. :)